Listen to Charles Sizemore discuss dividend investing, Europe, inflation and more with Dean Barber and Bud Kasper on Planning for Prosperity radio. To listen, click here. Dean is a nationally-syndicated radio host and the principal of Barber Financial Group.Read More
Sizemore Capital’s Charles Sizemore was featured in a recent article by RIA Biz’s Cecily O’Connor on the role of social media in building an investment practice (see article): Meanwhile, social media, through networking sites like Covestor, is adding to the ways in which advisors can find and cultivate client relationships. Forrester Research recently cited social [...]Read More
Last week, I announced to the world what a momentously bad investment I had just made (see “I just made a horrible investment”). Yes, dear reader, I was dragged kicking and screaming against my will into homeownership by my wife and two-year-old son. My days of enjoying my Saturday mornings as an urban yuppy, drinking freshly-ground...Read More
New York– February 29, 2012 – Charles Lewis Sizemore, CFA, editor of the Sizemore Investment Letter, will give his thoughts on using content to build a money management practice at Covestor’s Next Invest, a virtual conference taking place March 20 and 21. Covestor is an investment management company that enables individuals to mirror the transactions of...Read More
The February 13 issue of Barron’s made a statement that caught my eye: Americans are paying down their mortgages. (See “Paying Down the Mortgage.”) 50% of all refinancings now result in smaller loans that the previous mortgage. Rather than using their homes as a virtual ATM machine, extracting equity (if you have any) to meet current...Read More