
Charles Lewis Sizemore, CFA
I like my job. I really do. But I think I’d like being an independently-wealthy man of leisure quite a bit more. Relaxed days of sweet nothingness sound pretty appealing. That’s the dream, anyway. All joking aside, I won’t be joining the ranks of the retired any time soon. I think it’s important that I...
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I had a colleague from South Africa ask why we don’t celebrate May Day as a holiday in America. The answer, of course, is that May 1 was the date chosen by the communist leadership of the Second International  to be the International Workers’ Day. It’s kind of anathema to celebrate international communism here. Just...
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In an acknowledgement of the glaringly obvious, Fitch downgraded Japan’s credit rating by a notch on Monday, citing Japan’s ballooning pubic debt. My only question is this: What took them so long? Fitch now rates Japanese debt as an A, which is five full notches below the top AAA rating…and just a few notches short...
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The Wall Street Journal’s Voices column picked up my comments on choosing the right estate attorney. You can read the full article here (subscription to the WSJ may be required), and an excerpt follows below. Enjoy! Many people think estate planning is mostly about having the right papers in place, but it’s really bigger than that....
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I joined CNBC’s Sri Jegarajah last night on Capital Connection to chat about Facebook’s (FB) first-quarter earnings. If you cannot view the embedded video, please follow this link. Overall, a very solid quarter. Revenues were up 42% and 49% after adjusting for currency moves. Perhaps most impressive, given that roughly half the world’s internet-enabled population...
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