
Charles Lewis Sizemore, CFA
“Across the Middle East, where Christianity was born and its followers once made up a sizable portion of the population, Christians are now tiny minorities,” writes Kristen Chick. “Driven by different factors — the search for better opportunities abroad, their status as targets of Iraq’s sectarian conflict, a low birth rate, and discrimination — the...
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We’ve written pages on the “College Admissions Wave” Today, we came across some new demographic data from the Pew Research Center. It is no shock to anyone with college-aged children that college campuses are a lot more crowded these days. Much of the focus in the media has been that a higher percentage of American...
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You have to love the Japanese language — they have a word for pretty much everything. A fine example is choiwaru oyaji — defined as a middle-aged man who is “slightly bad,” in a recent article. Everyone knows the type: the naughty old guy in the office who likes to flirt with the receptionist and...
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By now, everyone should be aware of the anti-regime protests taking place in Iran.   The country is experiencing unrest not seen since the 1979 Islamic revolution that deposed the Shah and brought the current regime to power.  The “spark” that ignited this rebellion was the disputed presidential election, of course.  But the “tinder” that...
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We recommend you grab a copy of George Magnus’s The Age of Aging. Mr. Magnus is a senior economic advisor at UBS, and his new book is probably the best “big picture” analysis on demographic trends that we have seen since Philip Longman’s The Empty Cradle.  Magnus’s work is a fine complement to our own...
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