
Charles Lewis Sizemore, CFA
Photo credit clement127 You have to hand it to internet trolls. While their negativity can sometimes be a little abrasive, at least they… they… well, actually, I think of a single positive thing to say about them. They don’t add anything constructive to a conservation, nor do they create anything of their own. They just...
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I wrote earlier this year that the 60/40 portfolio is dead. Well, rumors of its death were not greatly exaggerated. The 60/40 portfolio that served retired investors so well over the past 30 years is gone… and it’s not coming back any time soon. As investors, we have to move on. Rest in Peace 60/40...
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I gave my thoughts to CNBC’s Martin Soong on Microsoft’s (MSFT) $26 billion takeover of LinkedIn (LNKD). While I am a long-time Microsoft bull, the company has a terrible track record on acquisitions, including the $7 billion purchase of Nokia in 2013 (which was effectively written down to zero), the $6 billion purchase of online...
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Photo credit: Sean Davis Hedge funds don’t get a lot of love these days. They’ve underperformed for years, and their fees — the standard is 2% of assets and 20% of profits — make them pariahs in the age of indexing and low-cost robo advisors. Hey, I get it. The high fees and lousy performance...
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I like getting paid in cold, hard cash. And frankly, who doesn’t? But stock dividends are more than just a quarterly paycheck. They are a way of doing things. I would go so far as to argue that they are a philosophy of life (or at least of business). That might sound a little kooky...
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