
Charles Lewis Sizemore, CFA
Sizemore Insights made Feedspot’s list of Top 100 Financial Advisor Blogs and Websites, coming in at #44. The blogs were ranked based on Google reputation and Google search rankings, influence and popularity in social media, quality and consistency of posts and and editorial review by Feedspot’s editorial team. My thanks to Feedspot’s editorial team, and...
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Once in a long while, you come across a research paper that fundamentally changes your thinking on a subject. Well, I had one of those moment years ago the first time I read Charles Ellis’ paper “The Loser’s Game.” In the paper, Ellis uses tennis as an analogy for investing. Professional tennis is a “winner’s...
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I usually steer clear of politics, keeping my beat to the economy and markets. But this is just too good to pass up. Canada’s prime minister Justin Trudeau offered a warm, heartfelt eulogy to the recently deceased Fidel Castro… a repressive dictator responsible for the impoverishment of Cuba and the misery of millions across Latin...
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I like saving money. A lot. In fact, I’m a cheapskate and actually take pride in my stinginess. But you won’t see me fighting the crowds on Black Friday. Not going to happen. Life is far too short to explore the depths of human misery that I see on display the Friday after Thanksgiving every...
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Portfolio manager and researcher Dr. Wesley Gray is at it again, looking for ways to build that proverbial better mousetrap. I reviewed Gray’s previous book, Quantitative Value, which he co-wrote with Tobias Carlisle, and found it to be “solid piece of research that combines the successful value investing framework of Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffett with the...
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