
Charles Lewis Sizemore, CFA
I joined Chase Robertson and Peggy Tuck on Straight Talk Money to chat about, among other things, the benefit of having a side hustle:        
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For a very clear example of why dividends matter, consider the case of Prospect Capital (PSEC). I first purchased Prospect in late 2014, believing it to be cheap at the time and that the risk of a dividend cut was overstated. Well, it turns out I was wrong about the dividend. Shortly after I bought...
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Here’s a fun fact that will probably blow your mind: The average Brazilian, Colombian and Mexican woman will have 1.8, 1.9 and 2.2 children, respectively, over the course of her life. That’s no higher than the average American woman, who has 1.8 children over the course of her life, and — in the case of...
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    My oldest son, Charles, is seven years old and still has only a nebulous idea of what I do professionally. He knows I “go to an office to make money” and that this involves staring at a set of monitors all day. But he has no real clue as to what I’m actually...
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The following is an excerpt from 7 Cheap Dividend Stocks to Buy for $20 or Less. I have a well-deserved reputation as a cheapskate. I brown bag my lunches most days, keep my thermostat at 79 degrees, and — if my wife doesn’t intervene — I’ll generally wear my clothes until they’re moth-eaten and threadbare....
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