And then there were two. Two of the three remaining American “Big Tobacco” companies announced today that they would be merging: Reynolds American (RAI) will be buying Lorillard (LO) for $27.4 billion, including debt assumed. Reynolds and Lorillard combined have sales of $13.3 billion and a market cap of $55.3 billion as of yesterday’s prices,...Read More
Can you imagine paying $7,000 a month for a two-bedroom apartment, or $42 to see a movie? — CNNMoney (@CNNMoney) July 12, 2014 “Cost of living” can be a relative term, as I’ve discovered in my time in Peru (see “Investment Insights from a Peruvian Beach“). Yes, in Lima I could hypothetically live on a...Read More
How do I educate myself as an investor? This is one of the most common questions I get from readers, and it’s easily the most important. I’ll share some of my favorite investing books in a moment. But first things first. There is no substitute for experience. As in absolutely none. Having your own money...Read More
Perhaps I’m just getting nostalgic with age, but there is something magical about Pamplona’s annual festival. Cities and towns scattered across the Spanish-speaking world have their own running of the bulls, but there is only one San Fermin. My neighbors probably hate me, but I take down my American stars and stripes a few days after July...Read More
If you want to understand how Steve Forbes feels about money, you need look no further than the dedication page of his new book by that name: Money: How the Destruction of the Dollar Threatens the Global Economy – and What We Can Do About It “In remembrance of Alexander Hamilton, our first Secretary of...Read More