Sizemore Insights

By Charles Lewis Sizemore, CFA
Some very solid advice here from my friend and colleague Ari Rastegar. From If I Knew Then… My mistake was that I didn’t realize how important my physical health and well-being was to my business.  I woke up one morning, my wife and I had just started dating, and I got the worst pain I could imagine. There was a...
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People come from all around the world to see Mount Everest. But if you lived in Nepal and saw it lurking in the distance every day, it might not seem nearly as impressive. You might take it for granted or even dismiss it as no big deal. That’s really where we are today with Apple (AAPL)...
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Actor and martial arts legend Chuck Norris quoted me in a piece he published today about the aging of the Baby Boomers: Chuck Norris Bows to Healthy Seniors. Here’s an excerpt: The entry into “senior” membership in this country is rarely looked at as something to be celebrated. “Over the Hill” novelty items have long been...
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There is near universal agreement that the Brexit – and the walloping it gave the market – was a black swan event. But actually defining what a black swan is can be a challenge. Most investors equate a black swan with a market crash. But that’s really putting the cart before the horse. A black swan...
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Well… they did it. British voters opted to leave the European Union, and in the process sent the financial markets into a tailspin. But the biggest victim here would appear to be the British pound. The night of the Brexit, the pound was down 12% vs. the dollar, and while it has rebounded modestly it’s still...
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