Let’s go back in time 30 years. Remember those “Taste great / less filling” Miller Lite beer commercials from the mid-1980s? You could roughly divide the world’s beer-drinking population into two rival factions: Those that insisted that Miller Lite tasted great…and those that insisted it was less filling. I believe many men lost their lives...Read More
Netflix (NFLX) announced earnings last night, and knocked the ball out of the park. They raised their subscriber base by about 3.3 million people, which amounts to an increase of over 5%. The company now has 66 million subscribers to its service, about 43 million of which are here in the United States. To put...Read More
It’s that time of year again. Tomorrow morning, thousands of adventurous (or phenomenally stupid) young men from around the world will run with the bulls in the streets of Pamplona. I was one of those adventurous (let’s be honest — phenomenally stupid) young men once (see “¡Viva San Fermin!“). Though it was over a decade...Read More
I joined CNBC’s Asia desk last night to discuss Sony’s (SNE) plan to issue $3.6 billion in stock and convertible debt. If you cannot view the embedded video, follow this link. The good news is that Sony’s is massively expanding its image sensor business, which is one of the few areas where Sony really excels...Read More
Wesley Gray, manager of the ValueShares US Quantitative Value ETF (QVAL), may very well be the most interesting quant you’ll ever meet. Granted, the word “quant” brings to mind an old man in a white lab coat stooped over reams of data, but hear me out. Before getting his PhD in finance from the University...Read More