Photo credit: Pellaeon A Peruvian wedding and the recent Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) annual meeting have a lot in common. That might not sound immediately obvious, but it’s true. I’ve been in Peru for the past week. By lucky coincidence, the national Peruvian Paso horse competition (which my father-in-law won this year) and the wedding of my...Read More
I gave my thoughts to Kiplinger’s Stacy Rapacon on lessons we can learn from the unfortunate passing of Prince. The music legend apparently passed away without a proper estate plan. Or if he had an estate plan, no one knows where it is… which is just as bad. See below: Keep a copy of your...Read More
Photo credit: stavos Around this time every year, “well-used” shirts magically disappear from my closet. For years, I thought I was losing my mind. Then I realized that it was my wife’s not-so-subtle way of telling me it was time to do a little spring cleaning. Out with the old, in with the new. She’s...Read More
Photo credit: B Rosen I can be something of an ideological nut job when it comes to avoiding income taxes. In my younger days, before my wife dragged me kicking and screaming into normal, civilized behavior, I was known to subsist on rice and beans for a month or two at a time in order...Read More
I wrote earlier this year that Apple is so cheap, it’s actually ridiculous. I still feel that way, and after a lousy start to the year, the market seems to be coming around to my view. Apple (AAPL) shares have enjoyed a nice rally of late, and I expect a lot more to come. Excluding the oil...Read More