
Charles Lewis Sizemore, CFA
My friend and colleague Ari Rastegar was mentioned by the Wall Street Journal this week.  You can read the full article here, but I’ve covered some of the highlights below. If you think paying a 20% cut in profits is steep, try paying 25% or 30%, or how about 50%? Ari Rastegar, who worked for...
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Photo credit: Xiaobing Wu When it comes to investing in gold, there’s more than one way to skin a cat. You can buy gold futures … or a gold-linked exchange-traded fund. You could keep a few coins in your sock drawer. Or you could go the tried and true route of burying it in mason...
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  I walked to work today. Granted, the weather was nice and it was only about a mile and a half, so it wasn’t any major accomplishment. But for someone whose physical exercise over the past decade has mostly consisted of lifting the TV remote, it was a significant improvement from my routine. So, you...
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The following is an excerpt from 7 Dividend Stocks That Owe You More Money. Nothing is more frustrating to me than stingy dividend stocks. And this is coming from me, a man with a well-deserved reputation as a cheapskate. (I prefer to think of myself as “frugal,” but my friends and family have other choice...
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Photo credit: Alex Proimos The following is an excerpt from 5 Simple Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Retirement. You can make a lot of mistakes in your youth … and assuming none of them get you killed or put in prison, you can generally recover from them. Time is on your side. But the closer you...
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