
Europe has been calm of late.  Former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi is facing house arrest, and it barely makes the news.  A year ago, this would have caused a run on the euro and roiled the world’s capital markets. And Greece, the country that first comes to mind when the words “Europe” and “crisis”...
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Earlier this week, I wrote that Greece had been downgraded by MSCI from “developed economy” to “emerging market.”  In this video, I dig into the details and explain what this means for investors. The point to take away is that your emerging market ETF or mutual fund may not be invested in the countries you...
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Most of us would agree that Greece is not a “developed market” on par with the United States, Canada, or Western Europe.  Its instability, pitiful economic governance, corruption and cronyism—all of which contributed to its spectacular sovereign debt crisis—prove that the country is not quite ready for the big leagues. Morgan Stanley Capital International (“MSCI”),...
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Greece is no stranger to economic crises such as the current one. The country has been in debt since its independence and has gone through a cycle of borrowing and defaulting numerous times. Foreign powers have always had an interest in maintaining Greece’s stability, so previously they always agreed to refinance its debts. The only...
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