
Europe Debt Crisis
When I tell readers that Spanish stocks are still cheap, I can’t help but recall Chevy Chase’s 1970s Saturday Night Live skit in which for weeks after his death, Chase announced “breaking news” that “Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.” Spanish stocks are still cheap, as they have been for over a year, but they...
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The Greek election came and went without much in the way of market reaction.  It would appear that “Mr. Market” is tired of hearing about Greece and has now moved across the Mediterranean to Spain. But for all the wailing and gnashing of teeth over the country’s finances, even Spain is a relatively minor problem...
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It’s a little early for Christmas in July, but now is the time for investors to be putting together their “Christmas lists” of sorts. Recently, I wrote a piece that described an old investment strategy of Sir John Templeton (see “An Anniversary We’d Prefer to Forget”).  Sir John would make a list of companies he’d...
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The first time I set foot on Spanish soil was the spring of 2000, and what a fantastic time it was to visit.  The dollar was near its all-time high versus the Euro, and an American could live like a king on a pauper’s budget. My, how times have changed.  I most recently visited Spain...
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Listen to Charles Sizemore give his thoughts on the European debt crisis and on how to invest in 2012 on Mike Robertson’s Straight Talk Radio, hosted by Patrick Murphy live in New York.  Download the audio here.
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