
December 21, 2011
Listen to Charles Sizemore give his thoughts on the European debt crisis and on how to invest in 2012 on Mike Robertson’s Straight Talk Radio, hosted by Patrick Murphy live in New York.  Download the audio here.
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Charles Sizemore gave his thoughts on the recovery in the housing market to the Wall Street Journal’s Quentin Fottrell: The unexpected surge in new housing construction may have helped boost stocks Tuesday, but some analysts say neither investors nor homebuyers should be too encouraged by the news. U.S. home building climbed to the highest level...
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Charles Sizemore, the winner of InvestorPlace’s “10 Stocks for 2011” contest, offers his favorite stock for 2012.  Read about Charles’ pick and the other contestants below. Wondering what the best stocks to buy for next year are? Well, look no further than the 10 Best Stocks for 2012. This InvestorPlace feature lists 10 long-term investments...
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