Sizemore Insights

By Charles Lewis Sizemore, CFA
Photo credit: Xiaobing Wu When it comes to investing in gold, there’s more than one way to skin a cat. You can buy gold futures … or a gold-linked exchange-traded fund. You could keep a few coins in your sock drawer. Or you could go the tried and true route of burying it in mason jars...
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  I walked to work today. Granted, the weather was nice and it was only about a mile and a half, so it wasn’t any major accomplishment. But for someone whose physical exercise over the past decade has mostly consisted of lifting the TV remote, it was a significant improvement from my routine. So, you might...
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The following is an excerpt from 7 Dividend Stocks That Owe You More Money. Nothing is more frustrating to me than stingy dividend stocks. And this is coming from me, a man with a well-deserved reputation as a cheapskate. (I prefer to think of myself as “frugal,” but my friends and family have other choice words...
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Photo credit: Alex Proimos The following is an excerpt from 5 Simple Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Retirement. You can make a lot of mistakes in your youth … and assuming none of them get you killed or put in prison, you can generally recover from them. Time is on your side. But the closer you get...
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I joined CNBC’s Pauline Chiou Sunday evening to discuss the FANG stocks: Facebook (FB), Amazon (AMZN), Netflix (NFLX) and Alphabet (GOOGL), née Google. The FANGs have given the market a growth story that it really needed. Revenue growth in the S&P 500 has been tepid at best for years, and earnings per share growth has been driven...
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