Sizemore Insights

By Charles Lewis Sizemore, CFA
My housekeeper has a nicer car than me. Now, granted, 75% of America probably has a nicer car than me. I’m driving a car that, while only four years’ old, looks like it’s going on 20 because my kids have utterly destroyed it. The entire backseat looks like a Jackson Pollack painting of assorted stains and...
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  I joined Akiko Fujita on CNBC’s The Rundown to chat about bank stocks and the Fed.  
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  I joined Newsmax’s JD Hayworth to chat about Amazon’s (AMZN) new convenience stores, Walmart’s (WMT) pay raises and Apple’s (AAPL) prospects following Samsung’s exploding phone woes.
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I don’t make a habit of taking financial advice from loan sharking gangsters. In fact, I don’t know that I’ve ever actually had a conversation with a loan shark. And I value my kneecaps far too dearly to ever actually solicit their services. But once in a while, even a scumbag hustler can have a remarkable...
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Twitter (TWTR) shares were down 20% on news from the site Recode that Alphabet (GOOGL), Apple (AAPL) and Disney (DIS) were all backing out of respective bids. This leaves (CRM) as the only legitimate potential suitor. Twitter has been the center of endless gossip since rumors leaked that the company was putting itself up for sale....
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