Sizemore Insights

By Charles Lewis Sizemore, CFA
A more comprehensive version of this article covering all presidents back to 1889 was originally published on Kiplinger’s. Mount Rushmore features massive 60-foot-tall busts of celebrated presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt, each chosen for their respective roles in preserving or expanding the Republic. But if you were to make a Mount...
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This post originally appeared on The Rich Investor. My buddy Ari was a self-made millionaire by his early 30s. But he didn’t earn his nest egg the way you might expect. It seems like most of the young and well-to-do hit the jackpot by writing a popular app or creating a viral YouTube video. That’s not...
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I was having a drink a while back with my friend and fellow Rich Investor contributor John Del Vecchio, and we were reminiscing about how much this business has changed since we started our careers. John is a forensic accountant who knows exactly where to look in the financial statements for accounting shenanigans; where “the bodies are buried,”...
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My sister-in-law, Malu, is the baby of the family. We love her to death, but she’s a walking stereotype of a millennial. Well, sort of. She has no face tattoos or stretched earlobes, and I don’t believe she subsists on a diet of avocado toast and LaCroix. But she’s just now finishing college – at the...
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Did you see this bit of news recently? The Social Security Administration announced earlier this month that it would have to dip into its trust fund for the first time in 36 years. With the Baby Boomers retiring in droves, the Social Security system is now paying out more in benefits than it’s taking in as...
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