Listen to Big Joe Clark discuss dividend investing with Charles Sizemore and more on Market Carver. To see the video, follow this link: Read More
By the time you read this article, Greece may or may not still be in the Eurozone. But whether Greece is in or out, the European sovereign debt crisis will almost certainly still be raging on. The focus of investor worry has, in any event, moved westward to Spain. The Spanish 10-year bond yield hit 6.5%...Read More
It’s a little early for Christmas in July, but now is the time for investors to be putting together their “Christmas lists” of sorts. Recently, I wrote a piece that described an old investment strategy of Sir John Templeton (see “An Anniversary We’d Prefer to Forget”). Sir John would make a list of companies he’d love...Read More
“Sex or Sleep?” ponders Barron’s. I was a little surprised to see the venerable Wall Street weekly ask its readers such a personal question, but this was the title of the May 14 cover story. The question is not directed at how Barron’s readers choose to spend their evenings but rather on what type of mattress...Read More