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The single most important lesson I’ve learned about being a successful investor is the need to maintain emotional detachment.  Any feelings you may have towards a stock are unrequited.  If you love a stock, it will not love you back.  And if you hate a stock, it will not give you the satisfaction of responding...
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You know you have reached a certain level of immortality when your name becomes a verb, and I can think of no better example than the American actor Humphrey Bogart, perhaps best known for his role in that all-time classic Casablanca. “To Bogart” a cigarette is to leave it dangling sloppily in your mouth, even...
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Brain damage can create superior investment results, at least according to James O’Shaughnessy in his classic What Works on Wall Street. O’Shaughnessy refers to a study by Baba Shiv of Stanford University that found that people that had suffered damage to the amygdala or the insula regions of their brains made better investment decisions and...
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This is a few years old now, but it still gets a laugh out of me. With the focus on the Fed and quantitative easing these days, it’s worth another watch.
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This is Part 1 of a two-part series on “Naughty and Nice” dividend stocks. Perhaps I’m some sort of anti-social deviant, but I’ve never been a big fan of socially-responsible investing.  It has always seemed crazy to me to ignore profitable investment opportunities because a company’s product happens to be politically incorrect at that particular...
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