Even Wall Street has standards. I know that might sound hard to believe, but to benefit from the liquidity, capital-raising power and prestige that come with a listing on the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq, a company has to follow a few rules. Among other requirements, to maintain a listing on the NYSE, a...Read More
Today I’m going to share an unconventional estate planning tip. I say “unconventional” because this is not the sort of advice you’ll get in a book or from a financial planner. But this might be the most important advice you will ever get, and it is something I have put into practice myself: I recently...Read More
Barron’s ran a piece over the weekend that reiterated some of the points I made last month on the launch of the Apple Watch (see “Swiss, It’s Not: Apple’s $17K Watch Is No Collector’s Item” for Barron’s take and “The Apple Watch Will Be A Flop: Here’s Why Apple Doesn’t Care” for my original piece)....Read More
Writing for Barron’s this week, John Kimelman had some comments on my recommendation of mortgage REITs. (see “The Value in Non-Tech Nasdaq, Mortgage REITs” Subscription may be required.) Here is an excerpt: Regardless of market conditions, Wall Street has proven itself adept at coming up with arguments for why a heavy weighting in stocks is...Read More
I joined CNBC Asia’s Street Signs last night to chat about the market’s prospects. By just about any metric you want to choose, U.S. stocks are expensive today. At 26.9, the cyclically-adjusted price/earnings ratio (“CAPE”) is about 62% higher than its historical average. This implies annual returns over the next 7-10 yeras of less than...Read More