Well… they did it. British voters opted to leave the European Union, and in the process sent the financial markets into a tailspin. But the biggest victim here would appear to be the British pound. The night of the Brexit, the pound was down 12% vs. the dollar, and while it has rebounded modestly it’s...Read More
Photo credit: frankieleon Well, they did it. Brits have voted to leave the European Union. Now what? I wrote last month that Brexit could take a wrecking ball to your portfolio. And judging by the carnage in the markets last night and this morning, that wasn’t an understatement. The pound sterling was down as much...Read More
Well, they did it. British voters decided to “declare their independence” from the European Union. But before we start talking in grand terms about self determination, there are some points to keep in mind. This is not Britain’s “July 4, 1776 moment.” This was a non-binding referendum that will require multiple years of negotiations between...Read More
I don’t see much in the way of inflation coming down the pipeline. In fact, I see the same deflationary forces that are plaguing Japan and Europe to continue nipping at our heels for the next several years. But… let’s say I’m wrong. Let’s say something comes out of left field that ignites inflation. What...Read More
Most financial advisors and money managers are terrified of robo advisors. And frankly, if your job description consists of selling expensive mutual funds for a commission, you should be worried. Your business model has been slowly dying for decades, and low-cost robos are the final nail in the coffin. Technology and competitive capitalism are doing...Read More