I joined Peggy Tuck today on Straight Talk Money to chat about the best performing “active mutual fund” in history. Trust me, it’s not what you think it is. In the next segment, the best-performing “commodity” in 2016 is… Bitcoin? And in the final two segments, we go through some common-sense tips on...Read More
I joined Peggy Tuck this morning on Straight Talk Money to chat about Dow 20,000, crude oil prices, and how to allocate your portfolio as we start 2017. Rodney Johnson joined us for the second segment to chat about Trump’s economic reforms, GDP growth, and that most dreaded of all words, deflation. In...Read More
The following is an excerpt of a piece I wrote for InvestorPlace: The second half of 2016 was not kind to income investors. As bond yields rose, the prices of virtually everything paying an income stream got slammed. Some of my favorite dividend stocks, REITs and closed-end funds fell by 20% or more… at a...Read More
Earlier this month, I wrote that tax-free closed-end bond funds were ripe for the picking, and this is still the case today. In my income-driven newsletter Peak Income, we currently have three open recommendations yielding a fat, tax-free 6%. But, as nice as tax-free income can be, the world of closed-end funds (“CEFs”) is much...Read More