
Charles Lewis Sizemore, CFA
Prospect Capital’s (PSEC) insiders have a good track record of making large purchases near major bottoms in the stock. But then, they also have a good track record of making large purchases near major tops too… CFO Brian Oswald made news this week by making a large, 50,000 share purchase on the open market valued...
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The following is an excerpt from 5 of the Best Low-Risk Retirement Stocks on the Market When you think of “retirement stocks,” a few things come to mind. You’re generally looking for something timeless — a company that has been around for decades and appears to be future proof. After all, if you’re going to...
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I joined Peggy Tuck this morning on Straight Talk Money this morning to talk about, among other things, the North Korea crisis and pending debt ceiling showdown.   And in the final segment, we chat about a Warren Buffett recommendation from the late 1990s… one that I happened to own myself back then!    
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$PSEC Price/Book ratio at extreme lows… again. — Charles Sizemore (@CharlesSizemore) Sep. 6 at 09:34 AM Post dividend cut, Prospect Capital (PSEC) is now trading for 75% of book value. As Prospect’s history has shown, it can always go lower. Though if you’re time horizon is 6-12 months, this is likely a good opportunity to...
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I joined Peggy Tuck on Straight Talk Money yesterday. At the top of the list, the IRS annouced it would allow penalty free 401k withdrawl to those affected by Hurricane Harvey. But should you tap into your retirement savings to pay for Hurricane Harvey damages?   Up next, we chat about stocks that are “Amazon...
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