Growth stocks — and specifically large-cap tech stocks led by the FAANGs — have utterly crushed value stocks of late. It’s been the dominant theme of the past five years. Even the first quarter of 2018, which saw Facebook engulfed in a privacy scandal, saw growth outperform value. Value stocks in general underperformed, and the...Read More
I recently joined a roundtable discussion hosted by The questions posed: Is The FAANG Bull Run Over and are Tech Stocks Still A Buy? This was my answer: The FAANGs trade is a little long in the tooth at this point, and, frankly, no trade lasts forever. Apple (AAPL), Amazon (AMZN), and Alphabet (GOOG)...Read More
Continuing his Blogger Wisdom series, Tadas Viskanta asks his panel What company that is currently private would you most like to see go public? This could be for investment purposes, entertainment value or sheer curiosity? Here are some of my favorite replies: Peter Lazaroff, Peter Lazaroff, @peterlazaroff: I’d love to see a U.S. sports franchise go public...Read More
Tadas Viskanta continued his Blogger Wisdom series by asking “What ETF, if it were launched tomorrow, would you invest in with little (or no) hesitation? Said another way what asset class or strategy is not currently effectively available in an ETF wrapper?” Here was my answer: “Frankly, there isn’t one. We arguably have a bubble...Read More