
Charles Lewis Sizemore, CFA
Today, we’ll cover one of my favorite long-term dividend stocks: National Retail Properties (NNN). National Retail is a real estate investment trust focused on single-tenant, stand-alone retail properties. The COVID-19 pandemic has hammered REITs — particularly those focused on retail. Many retail tenants had to close their doors in the second quarter. Foot traffic and...
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You’ll have to excuse me while I brag a little. My daughter Gabriela was born on Thursday and just came home from the hospital on Sunday. Mother and baby are doing great! My house is total chaos at the moment, serving as a nursery, an office and a school for my two sons who are...
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“This year’s presidential election is the most important in the history of the republic.” Maybe. But the funny thing is, I seem to remember hearing the same thing four years ago … and four years before that … and four years before that… It seems that every election is the most important in history. Now, I’m not...
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I don’t like to pick online fights. There’s far too much of that going on these days. But I was ready for digital fisticuffs after reading what may be the worst financial advice ever today. And I’d be doing the world a disservice by not pointing it out. Writing for Bloomberg, Aaron Brown, former managing director...
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I’ve been writing a lot about Warren Buffett these days. Perhaps I’m looking for a little sanity in a world that seems to have gone insane. The Oracle is certainly one to put things in perspective. But adding to that long list insanity, last week Elon Musk passed Warren Buffett on the list of the...
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