
Charles Lewis Sizemore, CFA
As you probably know, my beat is income. And in my newsletter, Peak Income, I specialize in finding cash-generating investments that are a little off the beaten path. Well, one of my favorite high-yield fishing ponds – closed-end funds (“CEFs”) – is looking attractive again, and I’ve been aggressively recommending them to my readers over...
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John Del Vecchio is a cheapskate after my own heart. While he doesn’t mind spending a little cash on the things he enjoys (I won’t tell you how much he and his wife spent on their last vacation), he’s about as hard nosed and tightfisted as it gets when it comes to his investments. He’s...
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As you might recall, nearly two years ago I wrote that I was having a midlife crisis and dusting off my old Metallica CDs from high school. Well, the crisis passed. I have since come to grips with being over the hill, even if I curse under my breath every morning from creaky knees and...
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If you’re looking for income these days, your options are a little limited. The S&P 500 yields less than 2%, which is bordering on pitiful, and government bonds aren’t much better. REITs, as a sector, are reasonably high yielders at 3.9%. But in order to get the yields I like to see, you really have...
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I saw a headline recently that caught my attention: “Raising Children Increases Risk of a Retirement Shortfall” Gee, ya think? Why not tell me that the sky is blue while you’re at it, or that eating at McDonald’s on a daily basis is bad for my health. Some things are so patently obvious that they...
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