
Charles Lewis Sizemore, CFA
I read a headline this week that left me shaking my head in disapproval. In a grandiose display of high-minded social responsibility, Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund, the world’s largest pension plan, decided to ban the shares of the stocks it owns from being borrowed by short sellers. (In order bet against a stock by...
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Active portfolio management is dead, killed by the superior performance of cheaper stock index funds. Or is it? In Return if the Active Manager, C. Thomas Howard and Jason Apollo Voss make the case that active management may actually be on the verge of a major comeback. As recently as 2009, active mutual funds enjoyed...
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I have a library. And you should have one, too. I’m proud of the collection of books I’ve collected over the years. A good chunk of my library is dedicated to investing, economics, and other money-related topics. It is my job, after all. But I also have an entire shelf of literature dedicated twentieth century Spain,...
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Hakeem Olajuwon was one of the greatest basketball players in history. Two-time NBA Finals champion — and Finals MVP — with the Houston Rockets, two-time defensive player of the year, and the 1994 league MVP; he is rightly included among the all-time greats. But whatever you do, don’t put a baseball in his hand. Hakeem...
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I’m not sure how I’d feel about inviting Jeremy Grantham to my Thanksgiving dinner. On the one hand, I could see him being a font of fascinating cocktail chatter. After more than a half-century of navigating the markets, the man no doubt has stories to tell, and in a sophisticated English accent at that! But...
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