Charles Sizemore gave his thoughts Erika Morphy of the E-Commerce Times on the shareholder revolt that is threatening to de-rail the leveraged buyout of Dell (NYSE:$DELL) by a group led by founder Michael Dell: These investors have valid points as they make their case against the LBO, said Charles Sizemore, manager of the Dividend Growth...Read More
Question: How do you know ahead of time when a garden-variety correction is about to turn into a bear market rout? Answer: You don’t. I would love to tell you that there is a tried and true way to make that distinction ahead of time, but there isn’t. At best, you can look at past...Read More
In the opening lines of What’s Behind the Numbers?, co-authors John Del Vecchio and Tom Jacobs offer to “help you find where the investing bodies are buried so you don’t join them.” These are appropriate words to begin a book on the detective work of finding financial chicanery. Numbers covers the art of short selling—a...Read More
From Jeff Reeves’ The Slant: After blowing out its earnings report after the bell on Thursday, LinkedIn (NYSE:$LNKD) popped 18% intraday on Friday and is challenging $150 a share. After offering at just $45 for its May 2011 IPO, shares have tripled in a little more than a year and a half for insiders —...Read More
Back in December, I recommended that readers “watch their ash” when investing in tobacco stocks. In their hunt for yield in a seemingly yield-less world, investors had bid the price of most tobacco stocks to levels that no longer made sense. Tobacco is a no-growth business and an industry in terminal decline. As a case...Read More