
Charles Lewis Sizemore, CFA
June has been a rough month for a lot of investors.  The investing themes that have done well so far in 2013—everything from U.S. dividend-focused stocks to Japanese small caps—have gone sharply into reverse.   The market has started to get jitters that the Fed’s QE Infinity will actually be quite finite…and it appears that Abenomics...
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Watch Charles Sizemore chat with CNBC’s Oriel Morrison about the Japanese markets and the potential for a full-blown capital markets meltdown.
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Back in April, I asked if E-Cigarettes would relight Big Tobacco’s prospects.   I had my doubts. E-cigs seemed to be a more pleasurable version of a nicotine patch: something that an existing smoker might switch to for health reasons but not exactly an attractive or glamorous product for someone who doesn’t already smoke.  (Humphrey Bogart...
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I first saw the Panama Canal in action in 2002.  Though nearly 90 years old at time (and soon to be 100 years old at time writing), it was an impressive piece of engineering to behold even by modern standards.  A series of locks lifts ships 85 feet above sea level and then lowers them...
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When you hear a mention of Turkey, it conjures up certain mental images.  The Aya Sofya in Istanbul…ships passing through the Bosphorus…mustachioed men selling doner kebabs out of pushcarts. And, unfortunately, military coups d’état and baton-wielding riot police. Turkey has become a little softer around the edges over the past decade as economic growth and...
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