Janet Yellen must be wondering why she ever agreed to take this job. In her first congressional testimony today as Fed chairwoman, I witnessed one representative badger Janet Yellen to give a precise definition of how many hours per week qualify as a “part-time” job. A bewildered Yellen replied that those definitions came from the...Read More
Watch the latest video at video.foxbusiness.com If you cannot view the embedded media player, you can view the video here. Bad weather has been repeatedly cited this year as the cause for everything from lackluster retail sales to stagnant job growth. In much of the country, 2013-2014 has been the worst winter in terms of average...Read More
It’s official: Japanese stocks are in correction. After closing at a recent high of 16,291 on Dec. 30, the Nikkei was down by about 14% through yesterday’s close. The iShares MSCI Japan ETF (EWJ), the most popular Japan ETF, is down a more modest 9%, due in part to currency effects (the yen tends to...Read More
Watch the latest video at video.foxbusiness.com If you cannot view the embedded media player, you can see the video here. I joined Fox Business’ Varney & Company this morning to discuss the controversial decision by CVS Caremark (CVS) to stop selling cigarettes and other tobacco products in their pharmacy stores. Given the competitive dynamics of...Read More
We’ve all seen the numbers. High-income earners are subject to higher marginal rates these days: 39.6% on incomes over $400,000 for single taxpayers and $450,000 on couples filing jointly on their 2013 returns. Additionally, single taxpayers with incomes over $200,000 and married couples with incomes over $250,000 are now subject to a 3.8% “surtax” on...Read More