
In terms of generating raw frustration among investors, India is a hard country to beat.  It has the second-largest population in the world, but unlike number one China, it also has a young, English-speaking workforce.  The country has a large and successful diaspora scattered across the globe and old trade ties that date back to...
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As I write this article, 670 million people are without electricity in India. Stop and think about that for a minute.  That’s nearly double the population of the United States, and none of them have had electricity for the better part of two days.  Some homes and businesses have backup generators, but the vast majority...
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We recommend you grab a copy of George Magnus’s The Age of Aging. Mr. Magnus is a senior economic advisor at UBS, and his new book is probably the best “big picture” analysis on demographic trends that we have seen since Philip Longman’s The Empty Cradle.  Magnus’s work is a fine complement to our own...
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