Photo credit Donkey Hotey I wrote a tongue-in-cheek piece for InvestorPlace on 12 Stocks Fit for a President. The following is an excerpt: We’re in the middle of a presidential election year, and what a campaign it’s been so far. It’s looking like our choices will be two of the most polarizing political figures in modern...Read More
Photo credit: Adam Dooley I recently gave my thoughts on Ford (F) and General Motors (GM) to US News and World Reports’ Lou Carlozo: “Ford and GM have both had excellent runs operationally,” says Charles Sizemore, a portfolio manager on Covestor and founder of Sizemore Capital Management in Dallas. “Sales have been robust and profits have...Read More
Amazon (AMZN) is firing on all cylinders right now. In a market really searching for a growth story, Amazon is providing it. After smashing earnings estimates last month on the back of better than expected results from Amazon Web Services — and posting its most profitable quarter ever — the news kept on rolling in this...Read More
Photo credit: Owen Moore In a world in which very little is cheap and most mainstream stocks and bonds offer little in the way of expected returns, closed-end funds have been a fantastic source of value. I’ve been writing about closed-end funds for the better part of a year (see Closed-End Bond Funds Near Their Deepest...Read More
Photo credit: Pellaeon A Peruvian wedding and the recent Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) annual meeting have a lot in common. That might not sound immediately obvious, but it’s true. I’ve been in Peru for the past week. By lucky coincidence, the national Peruvian Paso horse competition (which my father-in-law won this year) and the wedding of my son’s...Read More