Hakeem Olajuwon was one of the greatest basketball players in history. Two-time NBA Finals champion — and Finals MVP — with the Houston Rockets, two-time defensive player of the year, and the 1994 league MVP; he is rightly included among the all-time greats. But whatever you do, don’t put a baseball in his hand. Hakeem the...Read More
I’m not sure how I’d feel about inviting Jeremy Grantham to my Thanksgiving dinner. On the one hand, I could see him being a font of fascinating cocktail chatter. After more than a half-century of navigating the markets, the man no doubt has stories to tell, and in a sophisticated English accent at that! But on...Read More
An tornado ripped through my part of Dallas Sunday night, knocking the power out of my office building. As of this morning, they’re still not sure when the power will be turned back on. Judging from the number of electrical poles I saw ripped out of the ground, I’m guessing it will be a while. Thankfully,...Read More
My job is to help you make money. It’s what I spend most of my waking hours thinking about. But today, we’re going to take a break from all of that. Rather than talk about making money, I’m going to focus on having a little fun with it. After all, you can’t take it with you. The whole point...Read More
With the World Series set to start next month, I have baseball on my mind. So today, we’re going to glean investment insights from Ted Williams, arguably the best hitter in the history of the game. Ted Williams Knows How to Hit a Ball The Boston Red Sox leftfielder finished his 19-year professional career with a lifetime batting...Read More