Mexico gets no love. It’s not quite a developed market, but being next door to the United States it’s not quite remote or exotic enough to be an alluring emerging market either. And starting with the letter “M,” it doesn’t fit into any popular acronyms. Lest you think I am joking, the four countries that comprise...Read More
This is Part 2 of a two-part series on “Naughty and Nice” dividend stocks. In the last article, I gave you five socially-responsible stock picks that you could feel good about owning. Now, we’re going to go a very different direction. In this article, I’m going to give you five delightfully naughty dividend-paying stocks to consider....Read More
Listen to Charles Sizemore explain the coming court ruling in Germany that will decide the fate of the Eurozone and the Paul Ryan nomination on Mike Robertson’s Straight Talk About Money.Read More
September 12, 2012. This is the date that may ultimately decide the fate of the Eurozone. It has nothing to do with Greece, Spain, Italy, or any of the other problem children of Europe. No, it is Europe’s stern schoolmistress Germany that holds the fate of the currency zone in the balance. On September 12, the...Read More
This is Part 1 of a two-part series on “Naughty and Nice” dividend stocks. Perhaps I’m some sort of anti-social deviant, but I’ve never been a big fan of socially-responsible investing. It has always seemed crazy to me to ignore profitable investment opportunities because a company’s product happens to be politically incorrect at that particular moment....Read More