On the outskirts of Ulaanbaatar, a nomadic family of herders is sitting outside their ger (the family tent commonly called a “yurt” in the West) watching Bloomberg TV…on a high-definition flat-screen television powered by a mobile solar generator and a satellite dish. Only in Mongolia. As Harris Kupperman, President of Miami-based hedge fund Praetorian Capital, steps...Read More
Watch the latest video at video.foxbusiness.com If you cannot view the embedded video player, please follow this link. I spoke to Varney & Company’s Charles Payne this morning about the emerging market selloff and what is driving it. At its heart? Current account deficits. Turkey, South Africa, Argentina and Brazil—the countries that have been in the...Read More
State of the Union speeches are generally pretty heavy on talk and light on practical action, and President Barack Obama’s 2014 was no exception. There was the usual backslapping and finger-pointing we’ve all grown to expect over the years from any sitting president. But there was one proposal made by Obama that got Wall Street’s attention:...Read More
January tends to be an eventful month for investors engaged in retirement planning. In addition to the usual New Year’s resolutions to save more and live more frugally, January is a great month to rebalance your portfolio and to make your annual IRA or Roth IRA contribution. I recently touched on IRA contributions and portfolio rebalancing...Read More
Can’t view the embedded player? See “Netflix: Good Company, Bad Stock” I chatted with CNBC’s Bernie Lo about Netflix’s (NFLX) 4th quarter earnings. Netflix beat expectations in every way a company can beat expectations, increasing its customer base, revenues, earnings per share and even its gross margins more than the consensus Wall Street estimates. Shares shot...Read More