
Emerging Markets
The following was first published on Kiplinger’s as 10 Emerging-Markets Stocks That Will Survive the Trade War Photo credit: Financial Times The old saying goes: When America sneezes, the world catches a cold. As the world’s largest importer – and holder of its largest trade deficit by a country mile – the United States is...
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India—the world’s largest democratic country—is in the early stages of a parliamentary election that won’t be wrapped up until the last polls close on May 12 (votes will be counted by May 16).  India has the world’s largest population after China, and it is a young country with a growing voting-age population.  So every Indian...
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On the outskirts of Ulaanbaatar, a nomadic family of herders is sitting outside their ger (the family tent commonly called a  “yurt” in the West)  watching Bloomberg TV…on a high-definition flat-screen television powered by a mobile solar generator and a satellite dish. Only in Mongolia. As Harris Kupperman, President of Miami-based hedge fund Praetorian Capital,...
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Editor’s note: This column is part of our Best Stocks for 2014 contest. Charles Sizemore’s pick for the contest is MTN Group (MTNOY). Investors have pretty well forgotten about emerging markets over the past three years. The “BRIC” countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China no longer excite. Nor do more exotic non-BRIC locales such as South Africa. The iShares...
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In the international currency war, it would appear that Guido Mantega has turned traitor and gone over to the other side. If you’re not familiar with Mr. Mantega, he is the colorful—and quotable—finance minister of Brazil and one of the most vocal critics of the easy money policies pursued by the United States, Europe, and...
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